Naenae College website emails

Kia Ora

If you have recently sent an enquiry or email through the Naenae College website please re-send it. There was a technical glitch and none of the emails have come through. Apologies for any inconvenience this has caused.

Ngā mihi
Naenae College

Year 9 meet the parents evening

Kia ora e te Whānau

Tuesday 13 February is our Year 9 Meet the Parents Evening.

This is an opportunity for whānau to meet Year 9 LAR teachers and key staff members and learn more about how we do things at Naenae College.

FYI- this does not include year 9 SNU families.

The evening will start in the main quad outside the hall with a sausage sizzle at 6pm and formalities starting at 6.30pm where you will meet your young person’s LAR teacher for a short presentation in their LAR class. You will then return to the hall for a brief presentation and an opportunity to ask questions of key staff.

We look forward to seeing you and your young person there.

Ngā mihi
Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal