Board of Trustees

Essentially the role of the Board of Trustees is to work with the Principal to set the future direction of the school and to check that we are on course.

Presiding Member
Milica Zivanovic

Chris Taylor

Parent Representatives & Co-opted members
Loudeen Parsons, Karen Shepherd (Deputy Chair), Derek Saumolia, Milica Zivanovic, Taneora Ryall

Staff Representative
Kamaia Renata

Student Representative
Finn Bowbyes

Board Secretary
Nadine Bowen

Some examples of our recent focus areas:

Promoting Te Whanau Tahi and Restorative Processes

This is about strengthening the working relationship between teachers and students to grow student engagement and achievement.  The result is not only a calmer school, with improved academic results, but the growth of a happy, supportive community. There is a real sense of family, where students encourage and help each other to succeed.

Improving NCEA pass rates is a high priority for us.

We work hard to ensure every student has a clear learning pathway that is tailored to their needs and aspirations.  For instance our Service Academy offers an alternative school programme focused on military careers. It is designed to meet the needs of students who find mainstream classes challenging.

Major Property Refurbishments

We have carried out major property refurbishments to reduce maintenance costs and channel more resources into learning (for instance the old science block has been replaced with new labs in the core school buildings; we have a new gymnasium floor and a new special needs unit).


We continue to communicate with our wider community through regular newsletters, and we value your feedback.

This Board believes in the value of a Naenae College education and the importance of a strong college to the local community.  I am proud to be associated with such a vibrant, inspiring school and its outstanding principal and staff.

2024 Board Meeting Dates:

25 January
29 February
21 March
2 May
30 May
27 June
25 July
29 August
26 September
31 October
28 November


June 2024
May 2024
April 2024 (held 2 May 2024)
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
November 2023
October 2023