Pasifika Community Event

28 May 2024

Talofa lava and warm Pacific greetings to you all.

Our next Pasifika community event will be held on Thursday 6 June and we have organised for the amazing Pasifika team at NZQA to run the NCEA ma le Pasifika workshop. This workshop is open to all Pasifika students, parents, families and community members.

In the workshop, they will cover:

·         NCEA and NCEA changes
·         STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) and the importance of these and University Entrance
·         Career and Pathway opportunities
·         How we can support our young people on their journey.

Even if your young person is not yet working on NCEA, this workshop will be a great opportunity for you to understand the NCEA changes to support them in future subject choices and achievement.

We will also have an opportunity to hear from various members of our community about updates regarding:

·         Parent-teacher interviews
·         SchoolBridge
·         Poly Club
·         Pasifika initiatives which are currently happening within the school.

Details for our evening are

·         Date: Thursday 6 June
·         Time: 6pm to 7pm with supper to follow
·         Venue: Naenae College Library.

Please see the promotional poster here.

The Pasifika Komiti look forward to seeing you there.

Ngā mihi

Katherine Stokes
Deputy Principal